Finding Enlightenment One Drop of Sweat at a Time

GOOD CAMEL, GOOD LIFE is a tale of hot yoga survival. In this joyful story, a neophyte yoga practitioner finds enlightenment of body, mind, and soul over the course of a 60-day intensive yoga challenge, running concurrently with a major life challenge. This is an ambitious, funny, touching story to be enjoyed by all, particularly anyone facing a challenge of daunting proportions or looking to ahead to figure out "What's next?" GOOD CAMEL, GOOD LIFE will provide the inspiration to begin tackling your own next big challenge!
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Author comments
GOOD CAMEL, GOOD LIFE is a look at life as seen through the lens of Bikram Yoga and a 60-day Bikram Yoga Challenge. The challenge entails doing six days of hot yoga a week for ten weeks straight. It's 105 F in the yoga studio, and you spend 90 minutes in there at a time.
Did I mention that it's hot?
I'd been toying with the idea of doing a Challenge for years, and a few years back the time seemed right. We planned to be home for an extended period of time as Kate was having some health issues. Those issues are described a bit in the book, though mostly only regarding how they impacted my mental and emotional state during the Challenge. Kate, most amazing person that she is, was my biggest fan for taking on the Challenge. She wanted me to accomplish something while we worked to get her well. I saw it as a way to be stronger, more centered; a way to be better for her and thus be better able to help her through her health struggles.
Special notes
GOOD CAMEL was the first book I wrote in the era of social media. And while I was initially skeptical about the value of social media, I now count it as a huge, if sometimes mixed, blessing. Through social media I've had the privilege of meeting so many fellow yoga aficionados from around the world.
These connections have shown me the great power of community. New friends have unabashedly shared stories of the own practices, and of the challenges they face in their own lives. I am simply overwhelmed with the goodness, spirit, and vitality of the people I have met through GOOD CAMEL. My thanks to all of you.
We are all so lucky to have the joy of yoga in our lives.
Kate and I continue our practices—see photo—including while hiking from our camp one evening on a favorite canoeing river.

"GOOD CAMEL, GOOD LIFE is a journey juxtaposing daily life and yogic practice. Mr. Bischke takes you by the hand into a heart centered, healing awakening allowing the reader glimpses of personal clarity, humor, and a deepening of practice. A must read for teachers and students alike. Two toes up!!!"
— Emily Weinberg, Owner Bikram Yoga Monterey Bay, CA
Scott Bischke's book is an inspiration to anyone, yoga practitioner or otherwise, who seeks resilience in the face of adversity...I thoroughly enjoyed Bischke's book—his humor, sensitivity, and wisdom made for an excellent read."
— Raina Plowright DVM, PHD & Bikram Yoga practitioner
"A story of how, even when life unfolds like the pages of a Hollywood script, its rewards still flow from taking it one day at a time, one breath at a time, and staying the course."
— James Caldwell, Owner Bikram Yoga Northside, Lane Cove, NSW Australia
"For those looking at the Bikram series from the outside and wondering what all the fuss is about, Scott's perspective provides an insightful journey into the Bikram realm."
— Tony Brinks, Owner Bikram Yoga Abbotsford, BC, Canada
"Scott Bischke's book has a broader appeal than those just interested in yoga or Bikram yoga. I think it speaks to those who are trying to figure out what's next--how do you continue to challenge yourself, to find meaning."
— Kathy Brewer, Environmental Engineer and Bikram Hatha Yoga Practitioner